Seen through the photographs of an ordinary soldier, World War II unfolds in this fascinating collection of Glenn Kappelman's pictures and stories. The book reveals a uniquely detailed glimpse of the period between February 1943 and December 1945 as Kappelman went from replacement soldier to gunner on the front lines with the 106th Cavalry Group. He took an anauthorized camera in his gas mask when he left for Europe and stashed the rolls of film he shot in ammunition boxes within his armoured car during his tour of duty. Both camera and film were rare among the troops in combat, but Kappelman was determined to document everything he could.
From basic training to the Occupation, the 128 pages of THROUGH MY SIGHTS include a great number of photos from the 750 in his original collection as well as excerpts from his wartime letters and diaries interspersed with his commentary 50 years later. Following this GI's photo journey provides a rarely seen view of the 20th century's greatest conflict.
Through My Sights: A Gunner's View of WWII (2003)
128 Pages
Published by Sunflower Publishing
Companion film also available for purchase.